You Are Not Forgotten!

Author: Anonymous
Baby Name: My Love
Birth Date: 2003
Abortion Date: 2002

My Love,

I’m sorry I didn’t speak up for you. You had a right to live. I’m truly sorry for having been a part of the shedding of your precious blood.

There were a lot of things I was ignorant about and only God was able to help me understand what I had done and to ask for forgiveness. There are no words nor feelings that will ever take away what I did to you but to only say that you are not forgotten! That I hope to see you for all eternity with the Lord Jesus! My heart and soul cries out for you my precious one but the time will come when there won’t be any suffering, pain and shedding of tears for you and your brother and sister but to live eternally joyful altogether.

I love you!