My Hope For Hannah

Author: Sandi
Baby Name: Hannah Kathryn
Birth Date: Feb. 1982
Abortion Date: July 1981

To my precious Hannah:
From the moment I knew your life had begun, I was filled with excitement. You gave me hope for a future; something I had never known before. Sadly, I listened to those around me; people who told me I had nothing to offer you; who said it often enough that I believed them. From the moment your life was taken from me, to this day, I have wondered about you: what you would have looked like; what it would have been like to hold you; to watch you do all those “firsts” that are so important; to see what you would do in life as you became an adult. My hope, dear Hannah, is that Jesus swept you up into His loving arms instantly, and that He has loved you, has looked after you, and has let you see my heart for you. Not the heart the world thinks I have because of this tragic decision I made 33 years ago, but the heart that hurts because there is an empty place in it that needed to be filled with you. My hope is that the day will come when I will see you face to face, and you will know the loving mother I so wanted to be to you. The mother who would have learned to love pink and purple and hair ribbons and dolls and tea parties and giggly girls at sleepovers….all things I didn’t see in my childhood either. My hope is that you can love me…