Looking Forward

Author: Linda
Baby Name: un-named
Birth Date: unknown
Abortion Date: 1979

It’s been almost 30 years that I aborted you, my beautiful babies because of lack of knowledge and lack of God in my life.

I wonder and try to picture what you would be and look like today. I long for the day when Jesus returns and I’m taken up to heaven to be with you my babies.

I pray that you will have forgiven me. Thank you God for sending your Son so that I could be cleanses of this horrific sin.

I long for the day when I’m united with Jesus and you my babies. I thank God that I will know you and you will know me. It’s hard to believe sometimes that you could ever forgive me, but thankfully we know from the word of God that we will all be like Jesus, therefore, in heaven, there will be no more tears.

I love you, my darling babies.
