Missing You.

Author: Mark
Baby Name: Marcy Anna Jolly
Birth Date: November 1974
Abortion Date: June 1974

My sweet Marcy. How selfish we were to steal your life from you. Your mother and I were married. We thought we were ‘not ready’?

A more heinous crime than the one we performed on you cannot be imagined. Perhaps Hitler was worse..not sure about that. You would be 39 about now if we had let you come into the world. We became Christians not long after your termination and had your brother and two sisters. How much fun would we have had with you making four? Not a day goes by that I do not wonder about you and how you are going to accept us in Heaven. No apology would be anywhere near adequate!

Jesus once came to me in a dream. He told me that you would be the first person He would introduce me to in that wonderful place. I deserve everlasting Hell for what I did to you. Surely, your mother would have relented if I had put on ‘man pants’ and encouraged her to keep you.

Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Blessed is the man whom God will not give just punishment for his sins. If not for Jesus, this father would NEVER get to see you! Jesus deserves all love and honor, because what He has done for you and for what He has set up for you and I, and your family. Perhaps one day, the whole family will be there with you. Looking forward to that family reunion. I love you my sweet Marcy!